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Ms. Lalit Mohini Bhat


Ms. Lalit Mohini Bhat


Ms. Lalit Mohini Bhat is a founding partner of Law Links and sits in the Delhi office. She has been practicing before the Supreme Court of India, High Court of Delhi, other High Courts across the country and various national Tribunals. Her domain of expertise is Education Law, Matrimonial Law, Commercial Law, Mediation, Arbitration and Service Law. She is a pioneer in development of Dispute Resolution - Mediation & Conciliation strategies and exploring advanced Online Dispute Resolution - Mediation & Conciliation techniques for maximum benefit of the client.

Ms. Mohini has a keen interest in Arbitration and regularly acts as arbitrator or counsel in high stake arbitration matters. She has acted as an Arbitrator and has been nominated by the High Court of Delhi in a number of arbitration disputes. As an arbitrator she hears, decides disputes and renders final awards in arbitration proceedings on a regular basis.

Another strong practice area for Ms. Mohini is Meditation. She trained as a mediator in 2006 and since then has been enrolled with the Delhi High Court Mediation Centre (Samadhan). She is regularly appointed as a mediator in a number of matters by the Delhi High Court Mediation Centre (Samadhan). She is also enrolled as Senior Mediator with the Bombay Chambers of Commerce and Industry. She has experience of conducting more than 500 mediation sessions till date. She also holds life membership of FLO (FICCI Ladies Organization).

Ms. Mohini’s forte in mediation is mainly commercial, labour (employment) and family related disputes. She completed the ‘Advanced Mediation Course’ conducted by the Delhi High Court Mediation Centre (Samadhan) in 2008 and also underwent the ‘Train the Trainer’ mediation program at Utah University, Salt Lake City, USA in 2011. She is an accredited mediator by the Chartered Institute of Arbitration, London and underwent necessary training for the same in 2019 and holds the prestigious title of CIArb. She regularly imparts mediation training and sessions organized by the FICCI in association with the Government of India. She is also an advisory member of the Arbitration and Dispute Resolution - Mediation & Conciliation Cell, Punjab Haryana and Delhi (PHD) Chambers of Commerce and Industry.

Ms. Mohini enrolled as an advocate with the Bar Council of Delhi in 1991.
