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Dispute Resolution - Mediation & Conciliation

Dispute Resolution - Mediation & Conciliation

Law Links has experience with alternative disputes resolution methods such as mediation (often included in combination with arbitration in commercial contracts) and expert determinations; advises on the particular option best suited to a particular client’s business needs. We are pioneers in development of Dispute Resolution - Mediation & Conciliation strategies and explore advanced Online Dispute Resolution - Mediation & Conciliation techniques for maximum benefit of the client. Our partners are associated with one of the country’s leading Conflict Resolution Center (CRC) for Online Dispute Resolution - Mediation & Conciliation and one can take advantage of their expertise by exploring more about CRC at .

Law Links Alternate Dispute Resolution - Mediation & Conciliation (ADR) practice is one of the important practice areas and we have over a period been regarded as the go to firm for mediation and ADR. Law Links has the experience of handling multi-million claims for its clients and has also helped their clients settle large disputes through mediation. We have gained a reputation of conducting our practice in a manner that has been appreciated for its integrity and respected as one of the finest litigation law firms in India.

The firm also advises corporate clients on drafting, negotiating and/or reviewing domestic or international mediation clauses and/or ADR clauses in a variety of contracts and situations. We have experience with complex Dispute Resolution - Mediation & Conciliation clauses, including multi-tiered arbitration or litigation clauses that combine mediation, arbitration and ADR clauses with specific carve-outs (for example, carving out specific items for expert procedures), as well as multiple arbitration and/or litigation clauses in groups of contracts situations and/or multi-party situations.

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